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DDM Malaysia introduces the Six Ethics of the Mind and shares the joy of Chan

On 12 October 2008, Dharma Drum Mountain in Malaysia (DDM Malaysia) conducted a Dharma event at their new office to introduce the "Six Ethics of the Mind" and Chan meditation practice.

The day began with a session of Eight-Form Moving Meditation. During the exercise, participants were reminded by the leaders to be mindful of their scattered thoughts and to gradually calm their minds to obtain a state of harmony between mind and body. Practicing the Eight-Form Moving Meditation enables one to maintain good physical health as well as a relaxed body and mind. After the session, participants sat down and joyfully shared their experiences with each other.

In the afternoon, Dr. Chen Meihua introduced the ideas of "Protecting the Spiritual Environment" and the "Six Ethics of the Mind" as taught by the Most Venerable Master Sheng Yen. Dr. Chen explained that one must incorporate the Master's compassionate ideas into one's daily life. By practicing in daily life, not only can one reflect on one's actions and thoughts but can also extend one's compassion to others.

Venerable Chi Chern's evening Dharma talk attracted a welcoming audience. In addition to leading the Chan meditation, Venerable Chi Chern also shared his inspiration from the Venerable Master Sheng Yen's teachings. Even to this day, he still follows the Master's teachings in guiding practitioners in Chan practice.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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