Overseas News


Dharma Drum Vancouver Center Invites Neighbors to Celebrate 2015 Chinese New Year

Dharma Drum Vancouver Center (DDVC) will be open in this Chinese New Year and invite its neighbors to attend the festivities held by them. It is also the first time for them to hold a Chinese New Year Celebration, which will be on Saturday, Feb. 21 from 10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. To celebrate Year of the Sheep, Dharma Drum Vancouver Center, an Orthodox Chan Buddhism group, will hold an event full of family fun.

Activities on Saturday’s event will be lion dancing and drumming, bracelet and lantern making, origami and calligraphy, etc. Besides, there will be demonstrations of Chan (zen) meditation and a traditional tea ceremony. The director of DDVC, Ven. Chang Wu said meditation is DDM’s specialty and hoped their neighbors can try it, adding that there are actually various forms of meditation: sitting, standing, moving, and walking meditation.

Moreover, Ven. Chang Wu indicated that Chinese New Year for them is as important as Christmas for westerners so she wanted to celebrate with everyone around them. Then , Ven. Chang Wu explained the reason why the event will end at 3:10 p.m. instead of being on the hour is that they hope to have a little time for prayers and offer blessings to the world where so much suffering happened over the past year.

Please visit http://www.ddmba.ca/ddmba/upcoming_special.php?id=70 or dial (604) 277-1357 for more information.

(Share by Dharma Drum Vancouver Center)

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