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Friday, November 14, 2014
DDM (Dharma Drum Mountain) founder Chan Master Sheng Yen (Shifu) once said "Don't worry about having a monastery, but keep a monastery in mind. If we keep practicing diligently, there will be the (physical) monastery naturally. "It is with great joy we share with you the progress of Chan Meditation Center's expansion project.

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On June 8th, 2014, (9:30-3:30pm) Dharma Drum Vancouver Centre hosted its first Gardening Meditation event. There were about 40 participants altogether ranging from teenagers to seniors in their seventies both males and females. We started the day with the Eight-form Moving Mediation guided by Venerable Chang Wu. It was a wonderful way to start the day as we were taught how to relax while moving, and how we should be mindful of our every movement. One participant shared that she got a lot out of this practice because the Venerable reminded everyone to exert the least amount of energy when doing the movements as well as acting in our daily life. She said that she have never heard that before and found it extremely useful.
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