

DDM Zhaiming Monastery Holds Staff Rejuvenation Workshop

At 10 o’clock in the morning of September 7th, it is the first time for DDM Zhaiming Monastery to hold a staff rejuvenating workshop for employees, volunteers, upholders and followers. Zhaiming Monastery specially invited Dr. Zheng Shi-Yen, a psychologist as well as a Chan practitioner, to give a talk. He illustrated the profound topic “Cultivate the Gentle Power of Life” in a simple way, with five essences; namely responsibility, experience, charity, refinement and faith. He allowed the 200 audience members to understand and experience the subtle wisdom of “Keep Vows, No Complaints.”

Prior to the speech, Venerable Guo Yao of Zhaiming Monastery encouraged attendees who have studied Buddha Dharma and have been supporters for a long time to apply Buddha Dharma in their daily lives as it helps relieve vexations while practicing on the Bodhisattva path as in the saying “Keep Vows, No Complaints”, filling one with Dharma joy all the time.

Dr. Zheng, the Speaker of the event, emphasized that the first step to cultivating soft power is to take up responsibilities. Only by doing so can one lead a life full of confidence, joy and hope. While taking responsibility, one should also have a self-development plan to foster strong determination. In this way, one can train oneself to face difficulties and challenges. Wisdom would then arise.

Apart from responsibility and endurance, Dr. Zheng reminded everyone of the importance of performing meritorious deeds by which one can become free from vexations, ease from within, and understand the ultimate truth of the universe. Dr. Zheng recommended that one be kind to strangers, be forgiving and regulate the mind by developing good daily routines such as strolling, exercising and contemplating. Chan practice, e.g. sitting, standing meditation, reciting Buddha name or mantra, can enhance the functions of brain and improve physical and mental health. This is how religious faith can have an effect on the “soft power in life.”

(Translated by Tom Hsieh/Edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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