

DDM Comforts Refugees in Sichuan

From 12 July to 10 August 2013, over 400 students from elementary school through to high school in Sichuan attended the four ‘life education’ camps. DDM Social Welfare and Charity Foundation (DDMSWCF) and DDM Young People Development Department have been conducting these camps since 2009 to educate on ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’.

DDM has played an ongoing role to assist the reconstruction of Sichuan since the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. In addition to supporting the redevelopment of infrastructure, DDM has provided spiritual relief to comfort refugees emotionally and help them recover from the pain caused by the earthquake. DDMSWCF has also awarded scholarships to students with good academic performance and conducted life education camps in disaster-afflicted areas.

DDM aims to promote the vision of ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’ through these camps and allow the attending students to realize their passion for life. Dozens of students from Taiwanese and local universities were invited to take on the positions as team leaders and volunteers to guide participants to deeply experience the meaning of ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’ and ‘The Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign.’

The late Venerable Master Sheng Yen, founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, once said, “The method to practice ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’ is to interpret everything positively, consider everything from a different angle, retreat and advance appropriately, let go of self-attachment.” Through life education, DDMSWCF sincerely encourages all attendees to learn how to take care of their mind and body under all circumstances using ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’.

(Translated by Tom Hsieh/Edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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