DDMSWCF collaborates with the government to promote hygiene in typhoon-affected areas

DDMSWCF collaborates with the government to promote hygiene in typhoon-affected areas

Dharma Drum Mountain Social Welfare and Charity Foundation (DDMSWCF) has established the Peace of Mind Relief Stations at Liukuei Township and Jiaxian Township in Kaohsiung County respectively.

In collaboration with the medical relief team from Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, the Peace of Mind Relief Stations are also offering medical service and spiritual counseling to hundreds of typhoon-inflicted people.

Providing drinking water and surgical masks, the medical team stressed the importance of hygiene to local communities as an effort to prevent diseases from spreading.

Many residents in the typhoon-affected areas have yet to receive information regarding the subsidies offered by the government and NGOs, DDMSWCF’s relief team consisting of volunteers and Buddhist monks worked with local officials and began going door to door to help inform those concerned in this regard as it’s imperative to help them return to their lives as soon as possible.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by Chiacheng Chang and Lisa Tu)

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