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DDM Festivities in Malaysia

Dharma Drum Mountain Sangha delegation warmly gave their blessings to the world, and especially to the people of Malaysia, at the Guanyin World Peace & Harmony Puja hosted in Malaysia from 30 July to 6 August 2007.

The Dharma function was held to deliver all sentient beings from illness and suffering through awakening Bodhisattva compassion within the heart of each individual on Malaysia's 50th anniversary of independence. Bhikshus (monks) and bhikshunis (nuns) from across the globe assembled to chant the holy name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in unison for the occasion.

DDM Sangha delegation, including Venerable Guo Kai, Venerable Chang Hui, Venerable Chang Kie and Venerable Chang Yi, launched a series of Dharma talks throughout the event. Other inspirational and directional activities were held including Buddhist scriptural chanting and scribing, Buddhist-themed films, Buddhist and environmental forums and illuminating symbolic lamps.

On the evening of 2 August 2007, DDM Malaysia hosted a Great Repentance ceremony together with a Refuge-Taking ceremony led by Venerable Guo Kai. During the event, the Venerable explained to the fifty participants that one should reflect upon what one had done in the past and purge oneself of such impurities and "garbage" in order to receive the positivity of the Great Repentance ceremony. The Venerable added that the practice of real Chan happens when it is applied into one's daily life with compassion and wisdom.

Venerable Guo Kai and twelve members of Dharma Drum Young Buddhist Society (DDMYBS) led an Eight Form Moving Meditation workshop on stage which focused on maintaining peace and harmony in the body and the mind.

DDM Malaysia Chorus performed five Buddhist songs written by Venerable Master Sheng Yen. Guests had the honor to experience the warmest blessings of Dharma Drum Mountain and to understand DDM's compassionate vision of "uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on earth".

The DDM Sangha delegation brought nine scrolls of Guanyin paintings were displayed within the Exhibition Hall. The unique features of each painting demonstrated the artistry and style of the painter from a particular dynasty throughout Chinese history.

A selection of Venerable Master Sheng Yen's publications was also on display along with gifts and souvenirs distributed at the Stall Hall by the DDM Sangha delegation.

Venerables who attended the Volunteer Camp hosted by DDM Malaysia encouraged students to gain further understanding of DDM ideals advocated by Venerable Master Sheng Yen. They demonstrated how Dharma instruments were played and chanted the Bodhisattva Precept to the students.

On the summative night of 6 August 2007, Venerable Guo Kai encouraged students to actively practice Bodhisattva spirit and compassion in their daily lives in order for the rise of a Bodhi mind.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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