Overseas News


First social event for young people - A joyful evening filled with friendship, teamwork, and compassion, DDVC

DVC’s first social event for young people on January 5 was a joyful evening filled with friendship, teamwork, and compassion. After a delicious hot pot meal, everyone participated in a series of activities to get to know each other better.

There was a spaghetti tower-building contest; discussion groups on topics like meditation, sustainability, family, and life and death; a video containing words of wisdom from the late Ven. Master Sheng Yen; and a candle lighting ceremony in which everybody made a wish to benefit both themselves and all beings. The evening ended with Ven. Chang Wu guiding a meditation on loving-kindness. Overall, this was a great start to the year 2018 and for future events planned for young people at DDVC.

Written by: Lucas, Dharma Drum Vancouver, DDVC

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