

DDMSWCF Linbian Initiates One-Day Family Trip

Dharma Drum Mountain Social Welfare and Charity Foundation (DDMSWCF) at Linbian Township of Pintung County held a one-day family trip on 11 August, 2011, at Shuanlung National Park.

The trip was thoughtfully organized by volunteers of DDMSWCF Linbian, offering a rare occasion to Linbian’s underprivileged parents, who are regularly cared for by DDMSWCF Linbian, a chance to freely enjoy quality time outdoors with their children.

Vice Secretary-General of DDMSWCF, Venerable Chang Fa, was also present at the event, giving her warmest support throughout the one-day event.

In using the national park’s beauty to its best advantage, Venerable Chang Fa and volunteers introduced the significance of environmental conservation and the concept of ‘Protecting the Spiritual Environment’ to the children.

While sitting on top of round and flat rocks by a clean creek and enjoying the fresh breeze, Venerable Chang Fa also instructed everyone to practice meditation, enabling them to soothe and ease their stressful mind and body.

Although event participants all fell asleep travelling home after the event, it is clear that each and every one of them enjoyed a sense of happiness through taking part in the activities.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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