

DDMSWCF Holds a Mangrove Wetland Camp in Hsinchu

Volunteers of Dharma Drum Mountain Social Welfare and Charity Foundation (DDMSWCF) in Hsinchu City held a mangrove wetland camp which was attended by 22 students on 11 June, 2011.

The camp was specially held for Hsinchu’s students to become acquainted with Hsinchu’s unique mangrove wetland ecosystem so that they may thereby understand the significance of conserving the mangrove and wetland.

According to the camp’s instructor, the physical forms of forest mangroves are among the most productive and biologically complex ecosystems on Earth. Birds roost in the canopies and shellfish attach themselves to the roots.

Mangroves also provide nursery grounds for fish; a food source for monkeys, deer, tree-climbing crabs, even kangaroos; and a nectar source for bats and honeybees.

The instructor’s lively introduction about the mangrove wetland interested the students and prompted them to actively raise various eco-related and even funny questions.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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