

DDHSIF launches the essay writing contest for the Six Ethics of the Mind Campaign

On the morning of 19 December, 2009, Dharma Drum Humanities and Social Improvement Foundation (DDHSIF) hosted the Award Ceremony of Six Ethics of the Mind on the second floor of Dharma Drum Degui Academy in Taipei.

DDHSIC held the first essay writing contest on the topic of ‘Six Ethics of the Mind’ from 10 September to 10 November. 26 students out of the1,346 contestants from across the island won the prize by sharing their reflections on the ‘Six Ethics of the Mind’ propagated by the late Master Sheng Yen.

DDM Abbot President, Venerable Guo Dong, Minister of Ministry of Education, Dr. Chin-Chi Wu, Secretary General of DDHSIF, Dr. Shen-Yi Lee, and other social celebrities all attended the ceremony to offer their warmest blessings and greetings.

The Abbot President said in his remarks that a high competitive society has caused people to downplay the significance of traditional ethics and pay no heed to the rights of others-a phenomenon that has prevented the individual as well as society as a whole from moving towards goodness.

The late Master Sheng Yen had thus actively promoted the ‘Six Ethics of the Mind’ calling on people to preserve traditional ethics and to care others for the sake of social harmony.

Dr. Wu first expressed his most sincere gratitude to the late Master Sheng Yen for his considerable contributions and then urged everyone to put the teachings into practice in their daily life, so that the great vow of ‘building a pure land’ made by the late Master will be fulfilled.

(translated by Jin Yang)

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