

DDM Shows Warmest Care to Falling Rocks Victims

Three people were killed and three others injured in northern Keelung County on the morning of 8 June, 2007 due to mudslides and landslides caused by heavy rains over the past week.

The tragedies occurred around 7:00 a.m., when falling rocks smashed the vehicles and motorbikes traveling on Keelung County's Maijin Highway.

Following a call for help received by the convener, Chiang Xiangmei, the emergency relief center of Dharma Drum Mountain Social Welfare and Charity Foundation in Keelung offered immediate assistance.

Accompanied by Shih Jiaxing and Lin Yunlu, the DDM relief team headed toward the scene of the accident and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to render maximum care and assistance.

In addition to aiding the search for survivors and cleaning up the accident scene, the relief team met with families of the deceased to provide mental support and spiritual counseling. They also recited Buddhist scriptures together with the families in hope of bringing peace to the victims.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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