

Sixty-five couples tie the knots at DDM to live a life together of peace, harmony and abundance

On the morning of 24 January, 2010, sixty-five couples joyfully tied the knots in front of the Buddhas and jointly took the Three Jewels as the refuge in the Grand Buddha Hall of DDM’s World Center for Buddhist Education in Jinshan Township, Taipei County.

Apart from the relatives and friends of the newlywed couples, Abbot President Venerable Guo Dong, Vice President Vincent Siew, former chairman of the ruling Kuomintang party, Mr. Po-Hsiung Wu, and President of DDM Dharma Upholders Society, Mr. Chu-Chi Huang, all attended the 51th Buddhist Joint Wedding Ceremony to offer their warmest blessings.

The Abbot President said in his remarks that the late Master Sheng Yen had once said, "The purification of our society starts with building Buddhist families."

Family harmony is the cornerstone of social stability. Venerable Guo Dong encouraged the married couples to strive to create a happy family of wisdom and compassion, taking the Dharma as the basis of managing the family, and to adhere to the 'Six Ethics of the Mind' to promote peace in society.

To date, a total of 752 couples have made the vow to become a Buddhist family with the blessings of the DDM Sangha community.

(translated by Jin Yang)

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