Halloween at DDM Vancouver Center

Halloween at DDM Vancouver Center

Trick or Treat! On 28th October 2011, Dharma Drum Mountain Vancouver Center specially organized fun activities for children to celebrate Halloween, while spreading the Dharma to children at the same time.

The event began with an introduction of the history of Jack-o’-lantern by Chun-Zhi Lai. Since it was the first encounter with the Dharma for these children aged from 6 to 16, Lai introduced Buddhist perspectives discussed differences between Buddhism and Christianity.

This was followed by the ‘Lighting up the Lamp’. The children lit candles inside pumpkin lamps while chanting Amitabha Buddha’s name, ‘Nan- Mo- O-Mi-Tou-Fo’, praying for peace and happiness with their palms joined.

The event ended with children joyfully playing ‘Trick or Treat’ with the venerable Fashis of the Center.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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