DDM Malaysia Hosts Ahan Sutra Lecture

DDM Malaysia Hosts Ahan Sutra Lecture

On the evening of 25 August 2011, Dharma Drum Mountain, Malaysia (DDM Malaysia) invited Professor Cheng-Huang Cheng to lecture on the Ahan Sutra

The lecture began with professor Cheng presenting the core ideas of the Ahan Sutra, comparing it to other Buddhist sutras. The professor concluded that the Ahan Sutra echoes DDM’s humanistic ideals that the late Venerable Master Sheng Yen had actively promoted. This is because they both aim to ‘uplift the character of humanity and build a pure land on earth’, the professor expounded.

The lecture lasted for two hours and ended with Venerable Chang Hui giving the professor a gift for blessing.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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