Venerable Chang Xin Lectures on Orthodox Chinese Buddhism at DDMBASF

Venerable Chang Xin Lectures on Orthodox Chinese Buddhism at DDMBASF

By invitation of Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association in San Francisco (DDMBASF), Venerable Chang Xin gave a special lecture on orthodox Chinese Buddhism from 12-23 May, 2011.

The class was well organized, and Venerable Chang Xin’s animated and devoted teaching attitude inspired the students to explore orthodox Chinese Buddhism; to become acquainted with the compassionate philosophies of various Buddhist masters in history and the philosophy of the ‘Pure Land’; as well as to appreciate the challenges of modern Buddhism; and to understand the Chan School in Buddhism.

In order to help the students gain a deeper understanding of orthodox Chinese Buddhism, Venerable Chang Xin made good use of publications and speeches by the late Venerable Master Sheng Yen during the lecture.

Despite showing signs of throat ache and having a heavy cough in the last few days resulting from the capricious weather in San Francisco, Venerable Chang Xin’s unaffected enthusiastic attitude won over everyone’s respect and everyone wished him a speedy recovery.

The two-week lecture did not satisfy the students’ appetite for Dharma joy - they all expressed great anticipation in seeing Venerable Chang Xin for another Dharma talk in the near future.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited DDM Australia Editing Team)

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