DDM Vancouver choir sends warmth and love to the elderly

DDM Vancouver choir sends warmth and love to the elderly

As the year 2009 drew to a close, the DDM Vancouver choir paid a special visit to the Richmond Grace Senior Home in Richmond City to express their warmest care and blessings to all the residents on the afternoon of 17 December, 2009.

In addition to extending DDM Vancouver’s concerns and blessings, the choir’s twenty-six members, led by Mrs. Qiong-Ying Tsai, also performed many Chinese songs and brought with them gifts to give to the residents, bringing an atmosphere of joy in celebration of the upcoming Christmas season and the year of 2010.

The short, but warm, touching and joyful event inspired those present to develop an even stronger faith in their practice of the Bodhisattva path.

(translated by Jin Yang)

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