DDM Malaysia hosts the outdoor Chan activities

DDM Malaysia hosts the outdoor Chan activities

Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia (DDM Malaysia) hosted outdoor Chan activities at the renowned national park, Buki Jalil, on 8th of March 2009. Fifty participants took part in this inspirational event.

The activities commenced with the Eight Form Moving Meditation, which seeks to soothe the mind and body through various delicate and slow motions. This was followed by a Chan activity which involved walking up a rugged hill whilst holding a bowl of water.

Though this activity may seem hard and tedious, as water spilled out of the bowl even through cautious movements, it was pointed out by the leader of the activity that the point of the exercise was to understand that the premise of achieving a peaceful life is keeping the mind calm at all times.

Following the activities, participants were provided lunch. They were subsequently divided into small groups, in which personal reflections and thoughts regarding the Chan activities were shared.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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