DDM Sydney gives thanks to Master Sheng Yen

DDM Sydney gives thanks to Master Sheng Yen

It was a simple and earnest Service of Gratitude to Venerable Master Sheng Yen on Sunday 15 February 2009 in the Sydney branch of Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Australia.

About 100 followers and Buddhist friends including venerables from the Sangha community in Sydney, the President of the Buddhist Council arrived at the Buddhist Council of Australia in Crows Nest, Australia, to pay respect and give thanks to Master Sheng Yen, who passed away on 3 February 2009, aged 80, for his teachings and his life’s work to uplift the character of humanity and build a pure land on earth.

The ceremony included chanting of Amituofo, speeches of thanks by Agnes Chow (in Mandarin), Convener of DDM Sydney and Paul Brennan (in English), devoted follower of DDM Sydney. This was followed by 20 minutes of sitting meditation by all in attendance.

The Master's words resonated in Chow and Brennan's speeches, both conveyed their heartfelt respect and deepest gratitude for the Master's guidance. Both reminded all of Master's vow and encouraged everyone to make and renew vows to continue the Master’s work as well as their own for the benefit of all sentient beings.

At the conclusion of the Service of Gratitude in Sydney, guests and volunteers were invited to remain at the venue for refreshments to join the Service in DDM Taiwan online via video link up. At their conclusion of the service in Taiwan, guests and DDM members were invited to make and renew their vows on a Bodhi leaf card.

DDM Australia would like to thank Buddhist Council of Australia for the use of the venue and the many volunteers who devoted their time and skills to present a simple, solemn Buddhist ritual in line with the Master's will, including an elegant flower arrangement to accompany Master’s photograph and refreshments for guests in attendance.

(by DDM Australia)

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