DDM Malaysia Moonlight Festival

DDM Malaysia Moonlight Festival

Dharma Drum Mountain in Malaysia (DDM Malaysia) hosted the Moonlight Festival on 10 September 2008, its last event before relocation.

In order to pay the greatest gratitude to volunteers who have enthusiastically dedicated to promoting the idea of "uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on earth", DDM Malaysia specially conducted the "Contemplative prostrations to Mother Nature" at the Moonlight Festival.

Gathered in the Chan Hall, all participants prostrated, whilst listening to Master Sheng Yen’s recorded guidance, to show their appreciation to all that “Mother Nature” has provided for us. Through repeated prostrations, especially when the forehead makes contact with the land, deep gratitude naturally arises in the hearts of all participants.

The Most Venerable Master Sheng Yen teaches us the selfless love of Mother Land and to be humble with a grateful mind towards the surrounding environment at all times. Under these conditions, the Dharma joy will naturally fill our hearts and our lives will be blessed.

The full moon symbolizes a transition from imperfection to completeness. Over the years, every volunteer has built strong faith in the "Three Jewels" and truly believes in the idea of "building a pure land on earth". Everyone wholeheartedly takes on the mission of "Transmission of the Lamp" to shine the Dharma light into the darkness and bring an end to the ignorance and foolishness of people.

DDM Malaysia specifically designed the event of "Transmission of the Lamp" so that everyone can make vows of becoming a "Dharma lamp" and to safeguard the perpetuity of the Dharma.

In the Dharma talk, Venerable Guo Qi said that the DDM Sangha community was very grateful that the "causes and conditions" have made the Moonlight Festival possible and thanked all volunteers for their contribution and support.

Venerable Guo Qi encouraged everyone to share and promote the idea of “Protecting the Spiritual Environment" in Malaysia so that more people could benefit from the compassion and wisdom of the Most Venerable Master Sheng Yen.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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