On 31 January, 2008, Agnes Chow, convenor of Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) Sydney and DDM member Jessica Chow were invited by Dr Lin Bin of 20R Australia Oriental Radio to participate in a radio interview in Cantonese, introducing Dharma Drum Mountain, Chan Buddhism and Master Sheng Yen.

Incorporated into the program was a brief recount of the causes and conditions that led Master Sheng Yen to found DDM. The interview also focussed on the Master's teachings of compassion and wisdom and how these teachings can be applied in daily life. For example, ways in which people can be compassionate to Mother Nature and preserve the natural environment by reducing the use of disposable items.

Another highlight of the program was the song 'Blessings to You' written by Master Sheng Yen. When asked what the song meant to her, Jessica replied that the song taught her to be thankful to the surrounding people and to express her gratitude to others. One occasion she mentioned included thanking her mother for making dinner. Agnes expanded on this point by saying that not only should gratitude be shown to the chef, but also to the other arising causes and conditions that enabled them to come together.

At the conclusion of the interview, a greater understanding of Master Sheng Yen's teachings on wisdom and compassion was reached.

(article and photo contributed by Agnes Chow)

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