DDM Singapore Welcomes Students of NUS

DDM Singapore Welcomes Students of NUS

On 25 August 2007, a group of youths from the Buddhist Society of National University Singapore sat in the sombre Chan Hall and quietly chewed raisins with a one-minded approach for Chan (Zen) practice.

Despite sporadic noises passing through the window, everyone maintained great concentration and seriousness. At the session where students shared what each had gained from the practice with one other, a student responded, "I am starving!" His honest and cute response made everyone roar with laughter, greatly closing the distance among one another.

Dharma Drum Young Society of DDM Singapore had prepared the reception in advance to welcome the visiting youths, so they could acquaint with the ideas of Dharma Drum Mountain and Venerable Master Sheng Yen. Over eighty visitors were split into two groups, with one group visiting on the morning at 8am, and the other in the afternoon at 3pm. Although there was merely an hour of interactions each visit, every student was enriched spiritually and left with gratitude and peace.

The reception began with the screening of "How Great Is the Dharma Drum" video and a short briefing about the ideas of DDM and Venerable Master Sheng Yen presented by the Dharma Drum Young Society of DDM Singapore. Then "Zen Eating" (eating raisins) was served for every student. The program aimed to allow youths to understand the spirit of Chan with a peaceful and focused mind.

Through the one-hour activity, students recognized the compassionate idea of "building a pure land on earth" posed by Venerable Master Sheng Yen, and gave thanks to the warmest hospitality given by Venerables and volunteers of DDM Singapore.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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