Annual Interfaith Prayer ceremony in Melbourne

Annual Interfaith Prayer ceremony in Melbourne

The President of DDM Melbourne Branch Mrs Laura Chan had been invited by the Interfaith Centre of Melbourne to attend the second Annual Interfaith Prayer Ceremony for the work of the United Nations on 24 October.

Religious and Spiritual Leaders assembled to offer blessings and prayers for the United Nations community, who share the high principles of the Preamble to the Charter of the UN with the world's religious and spiritual traditions.

H.E. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, the newly elected President of the 61st Session of the General Assembly, addressed the ceremony in an exclusive pre-recorded interview. Her Excellency is the third woman and the first Muslim in the history of the UN to be elected to this post.

Mrs. Laura Chan, Chair of Buddhist Council of Victoria and President of Dharma Drum Mountain Melbourne Branch, welcomed the audience and offered the following message of peace and compassion on behalf of the Buddhist communities.

Dear Religious leaders and friends in the interfaith community

As Chair of Buddhist Council of Victoria and President of Dharma Drum Mountain Melbourne Branch, I extend my warmest greetings of peace to you.

Dharma Drum Mountain Founder, Ven Master Sheng-Yen actively engages in interfaith dialogue. He delivered a keynote speech to the assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nation Millennium World Peace Summit in 2000.

Dharma Drum Mountain Taiwan has/had organised many interfaith forums and conference focusing on "Compassion" as a mean to achieve world peace.

'Arising of great Compassion' was our norm and theme.

We believe a compassionate heart creates a compassionate world through our compassionate actions. We like to advocate compassion as a conscientious effort to avoid conflicts.

And with this Bodhi spirit in mind and with mindfulness to our actions and thoughts

We pray:

For the flourishing of Buddhadharma, for peace in the world, for the joy and contentment of all people,

May all sentient beings depart from suffering.

May the vows of the donors fulfilled.

May Buddha, Dharma and Sangha bless you all.

Mrs Laura Chan, President DDM Melbourne Branch (standing front row second left)

(Reported by Chiew Shin-Yee. DDM Melbourne.)

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