Abbot President heads to southern Taiwan to express his warmest care and concern

Abbot President heads to southern Taiwan to express his warmest care and concern

On 7 September 2009, Abbot President Venerable Guo Dong made his second trip to southern Taiwan to express his utmost gratitude to the volunteers of the DDM relief team, and to express his warmest care and concern to the survivors of the 88 Flood.

According to Director of the Ziyun Monastery, Venerable Guo Yao, residents of Linbian Township and Jiadong Township in Kaohsiung County are still in dire need of electricity and clean water for cooking and showering, DDM relief team will therefore continue to provide freshly prepared lunch and dinner to local residents and the relief volunteers.

Abbot President also led the families of the deceased to pray for peace in mind and to pray for the deceased to transcend the cycle of death and birth. He encouraged the survivors to cherish the life they have and to offer their blessings to the deceased.

Abbot President expressed his greatest gratitude to DDM’s venerables and the volunteers from Jiaxian Township, Liukuei Township, Linbian Township and Qiaozhou Township at the meeting. He also encouraged all to keep up their compassionate work to help and support those affected by the 88 Flood.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by Chiacheng Chang & Lisa Tu)

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