DDM Vancouver Refuge Taking Ceremony presided by Abbot President

DDM Vancouver Refuge Taking Ceremony presided by Abbot President

On 14 November, 2010, Dharma Drum Mountain Vancouver (DDM Vancouver) hosted the Refuge-Taking Ceremony, presided by the Abbot President, Venerable Guo Dong.

Fifty two people – including three non-Chinese speaking people – attended the ceremony and took refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, becoming faithful Buddhists.

The Abbot President greeted the new followers who had accepted the Five Precepts and the Three Jewels as their guidance in life and encouraged them to diligently practice the Dharma so that they can face difficulties in life, and to enjoy peace and happiness. He hopes that they can reflect on their vexations and practice to stop vexations arising in the mind.

During the visit to Vancouver, the Abbot President also met the supporters and followers of DDM, shared the ideals and spirit of DDM and delivered DDM’s blessing and salutation.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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