In memory of Master Sheng Yen’s Grace,
and the 10th Anniversary of the DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia

In memory of Master Sheng Yen’s Grace,
and the 10th Anniversary of the DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia

Ten Aspiring Years of the DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia

“The immaterial universe may come to the end, whereas my vows will never be exhausted,” this quote from Master Sheng-Yen indeed symbolizes the spirit of his compassionate vows. In 2009, Master Sheng Yen passed away; however, his ideals and concepts took root and developed in Malaysia, whereas the DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia was formally established in the same year.

On March 2nd, the “Aspirations of the Decade” concert was hosted by the DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia and co-hosted by the Malaysian Century Chinese Orchestra at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center (KLPAC), attended by 500 audience members, including distinguished guests such as the Abbott of Petaling Jaya Kwan Inn Teng (八打靈觀音亭), Ven. Ming Ji (明吉法師) ,Ven. Ming Tong (明彤法師), Vice Abbott of Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) Malaysia Ven. Ru Xing (如行法師), Dongchan Buddhist College Academic (東禪佛教學院) Director, Ven. Ru Yin (如音法師),and Ven. Chuan Hua傳華法師from the Hoeh Being Buddhist Temple (鶴鳴禪寺). Coupled with this DDM annual event, “A Good Wish for the World”, the concert started off with a video called “Thus I Do”, encouraging everyone to not merely make good wishes for oneself, but to hold great aspirations for all to participate in the creation of a beautiful world, through the Master’s practices of the Dharma in his life time.

The concert is comprised of 5 parts, namely “The Introduction to Dharma Drum Mountain”, “The Master’s Dharma Teachings”, “The Master’s Biography”, “The History of DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia” and “In memory of the Master’s Grace”; recitals included Buddhist songs with lyrics written by Master Sheng-Yen like the “Together With Our Hearts” album released by the Malaysian Center to propagate DDM’s ideals for “protecting the spiritual environment”, and the “Four Steps” single created for the children’s class etc. Through a new remix for Chinese orchestral performance, both Western and Chinese musical instruments and musical styles integrated. The combination of musical, vocal recitals, animations and Dharma talks presented the spirituality of the Dharma tuned to the human world.

Amongst the invited guests were veteran Buddhist singer, Ms. Gigi Wong (黃淑儀), and talented singer, Kang Ji Liang (康吉良), who was also a musical composer that specially made his trip from Taiwan to perform songs of Buddhism for the audience. During the finale song, written by the Master himself, “My Good Wishes for You”, all participants sang in chorus. This concert unified Master Sheng-Yen’s compassionate vows, creative pieces by musicians, and Chinese orchestral performance that drew down its curtains.

On March 3rd, the first Director of the Malaysian Center and current Director of the Bao Yun Monastery, Ven. Chang Hui (常慧法師), gathered a hundred followers to the event “in search of the Master’s footsteps”. Over tea talks and soothing music of the “Chan Lamp” suite, she explained the origins of the Chan Dharma lineage and led everyone through a time tunnel to the ancient school of Chan.

Initiated by the former Director, Ven. Chang Zao (常藻法師), this concert commenced its planning a long time ago, and then carried out by the current Director, Ven. Chang Di (常迪法師). In addition to the first Director Ven. Chang Hui’s lead, the series of memorial events and the gathering of “In search of the Master’s Footsteps” were successful, contributed by the continuous aspirations from the monastic group who started from the foundation of the monastery.

Texts: Luo, Zhi-hao (羅志豪); Yeh, Li-Qin (葉麗芹) ; DDM Buddhist Center Malaysia
Photos: Li, Zi-Ming (李梓銘); Li, Jin-Cheng (李錦成)
Translation: Chang, Cheng-Yu (張振郁)
Editing: DDM Editorial Team; Christine Huang

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