DDM Chan Meditation Center participated 2018 Meal Pack for NYC by 911Day.org

DDM Chan Meditation Center participated 2018 Meal Pack for NYC by 911Day.org

It was 17 years after the Terrorist Attack on 9/11, 2001. As the result of death and injuries, wars, horror, hatred and conflicts, it is still unforgettable after so many years.

Today, the 4th Meal Pack for NYC was held at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, 46th Street in Manhattan. This event was initiated in 2015 by Tomorrow Together / 911Day.org, that actively promotes the ideal of unity, empathy and service among young people throughout the United States.

It is the second year for DDMBA/Chan Meditation Center to be invited to participate in this event. The event started at 7:00 in the morning, and there were 5 sessions in this 10-hour event. Three religion leaders led the prayers at each session. 1,500,000 meals were packed and sent to the starving areas to combat hunger. At 11:00am, Venerables and volunteers from the Chan Meditation Center gathered together to participate in the 3rd session of prayers and Meal Pack for the event.

The 3rd session of the prayer service started at 12:00pm. In a solemn atmosphere, three religion leaders appeared on the stage, prayed and blessed in their ways for the victims in 9/11 Terrorist Attack. Venerable Chang Zhai, from Chan Meditation Center, prepared a concise instruction for everyone: In our world, whether we know each other or not, we are connected with each other. In Buddhism, there is a well-known Bodhisattva called Avalokiteśvara (Kuan-yin), represents as the symbol of compassion. We encourage everyone to learn from Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, and try to be Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara ourselves in daily lives. Not only we should be compassionate to our friends and we love, but also be compassionate to people we don’t know. Furthermore, even to those we hate, we still treat them with compassion. After the instruction, Venerable Chang Zhai led the chanting of the Bodhisattva’s name: “ Namo Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva “, prayed and blessed for the sentient beings by gentle and elegant voice, then transfer the merit to all victims and their families.

After prayer, cheerful back ground music resumed. The atmosphere was momentary filled with relaxation and harmony. The monastics and lay people from CMC started packing food with volunteers from different organizations.

People may not know each other before but they were so friendly that there was no estrangement of race or religion among them. Under the guidance of well-trained volunteers with tacit cooperation, oatmeal, soy protein, dried apple, and vitamin were packed by standardized specification.

Everyone joining the packing should wear sterilized caps and gloves to ensure hygiene. Each food pack would be able to supply a meal for a family of four or five, and just need a quick cook with water. As we can see the carefulness and attentiveness of the sponsor from details during this event.

Text: Amanda Yeung, CMC, NY
Photo: Wenchiao Peng, CMC, NY

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