A thank-you letter for the Chinese New Year's activity in Vancouver

A thank-you letter for the Chinese New Year's activity in Vancouver

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a very enjoyable Saturday. I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to celebrate Chinese New Year and to experience Chan Meditation. My sister and I enjoyed our day immensely. Everything was very well organized from parking, the warm greeting at the door, our tour, and of course, the activities. There was something for all ages. The Chinese lanterns and friendship bracelets were very popular for young and the young at heart. The meditation sessions were amazing. Our vegetarian lunch was delicious and also gave us an opportunity to meet other like minded people.

When I entered Chan Hall for the Eight Form Meditation I was overwhelmed by a sense of positive energy and peace. I had the opportunity to participate in the Eight Form Meditation, Sitting Meditation, Walking Meditation and Chan Tea Meditation. Both my sister and I have incorporated the Eight Form Meditation every morning. It gets our bodies moving and our minds and heart centered. A wonderful way to start the day. Learning to walk mindfully and to be able to clear your thoughts is a good way to refresh yourself during the day. I also have incorporated Chan Tea Meditation in the middle of my work day. Up until now I have made a cup of tea and drank it without awareness while multitasking. I now take a few minutes to meditate and then prepare my tea. I employ all my senses and really enjoy the blessing of my tea. Once finished I am relaxed, refreshed and ready to get back to work with more energy and effectiveness.

It was an amazing day physically, mentally, spiritually and culturally. I felt very blessed to have been able to share the day with all of you.

My sincere thanks.

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