DDM Prays for Safety of the Missing Passengers on AirAsia Plane and Victims in the Flooding of East Malaysia

DDM Prays for Safety of the Missing Passengers on AirAsia Plane and Victims in the Flooding of East Malaysia

Malaysia now suffers the most severe flooding over the past 30 years, which has caused over 120,000 victims homelessness and many people to die. Besides, an AirAsia plane with 162 people on board went missing on Sunday after taking off from Indonesia for Singapore. Many countries are jointly searching and rescuing the 162 passengers.

Dharma Drum Mountain has set up tablets of liberating the deceased and quelling the calamity in its domestic and overseas affiliates for those who suffered in the two calamities; meanwhile, a special section of “Prayer and Recitation of Mantras” will also be set up on DDM Global Website in the near future.

Dharma Drum Mountain earnestly requests the public to collectively recite mantras and chant Buddha names for praying for the safety of the victims of the flooding on the east coast of Malaysia and the missing passengers of AirAisa flight QZ8501, and all the sentient beings.

(Translated by Tom Hsieh)

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