Meeting Venerable Guo Yuan

Meeting Venerable Guo Yuan

About two months ago I joined the Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) International Meditation Group (IMG) for the very first time. Though I had read some books by Ven. Sheng-Yen before and practiced meditation in my home country, it was a real pleasure to actually sit down here, in Taipei, with all those friendly people of DDM. During these last two months, I have almost every Saturday morning find myself sitting in Degui Academy (德貴學院), meditating and having educative conversations about Buddhism.

This Saturday, on 12th of October, was a special day for two reasons: first it represented the end of my second month in Taipei, and secondly, and more importantly, I had an exclusive opportunity to meet the Managing Director of Chan Practice, Venerable Guo Yuan (果元).

After having our usual Eight-Form Moving Meditation (法鼓八式動禪) and one round of Sitting Meditation, Master Guo Yuan gave us an inspiring Dharma talk about some basic ideas in Buddhism. He talked about troubling emotions, wandering thoughts, Karma, meditation techniques etc. Everything for the benefit of helping us to settle and clear our mind. After this, Honorable Master Guo Yuan had reserved some time for private interviews, if anyone would have something to discuss in detail.

The whole event was very well organized. In addition to providing profound knowledge on Buddhism, everyone could refresh themselves by having delicious snacks from the DDM.

Thank you Dharma Drum Mountain for putting such an effort in helping others to ease their suffering.


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