Myanmar's Master Pa Auk Sayadaw Visits the DDBC

Myanmar's Master Pa Auk Sayadaw Visits the DDBC

Master Pa Auk Sayadaw visited the Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC) on 13 November 2012, giving a speech and conducting an exchange of Chan practice at the institution.

The Master and his followers were received by the Abbot President Venerable Guo Dong and Vice President Abbot Venerable Guo Hui, along with the institution’s students and teachers.

The Master expressed his personal gratitude to the Abbot President for the DDBC’s invitation and warm reception, adding that he was joyfully overwhelmed by the DDM’s humanitarian ideas and eco-buildings, because what DDM has been doing is fully in line with the Buddha’s compassionate teachings.

In his speech, the Master stressed that a qualified practitioner must comply with having the right thoughts, right views, right speech and right meditation, for uplifting personal wisdom and for enlightenment.

After his speech, the Master generously introduced and demonstrated the Chan meditation of the Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism to the DDBC’s students and staff.

(translated by Jin Yang/edited by DDM Australia Editing Team)

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