Passing on the Lamp - 7-day Chan Week, 2/1-2/7, CMC, NY

Passing on the Lamp - 7-day Chan Week, 2/1-2/7, CMC, NY

Date & Time: February 1-7 (Saturday~Friday) 9:00AM - 5:00PM at CMC

In memory of our late Master Sheng Yen, we gather in practice to revive our beginner's mind and vow we've cultivated deep in the heart toward the great realization, to pay our deepest respect and appreciation to Shifu.

-- 2 Sitting Sessions/Day: 9am ~ 12pm, 1pm ~ 5pm
(Retreat talks: Master Sheng Yen's audio lectures)

-- Passing on the Lamp Ritual on 2/7

** Prerequisite: must have taken the Beginner's classes or already have an established meditation practice.

Please call us at 718-592-6593 or REGISTRATION

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