Day of Stillness Retreat, 9/22, 10/13, 11/10, DDRC, NY

Day of Stillness Retreat, 9/22, 10/13, 11/10,DDRC, NY

September 22, 2018

Led by Chang Xing Fashi

Check-in: 8:45 am Ends: 5:00 pm

Fee: $35

Openings: Available – Register Now

Give yourself one day for meditation — a day to still the mind.
This silent retreat is non-intensive; the simple and relaxed schedule allows you to settle your mind while at the same time allowing you to maintain a constant awareness of your every activity.

Sitting periods are thirty minutes. In between sittings you are guided in gentle yoga and walking meditation.

The retreat also offers a review of basic meditation methods such as breath awareness, as well as brief Dharma talks.

If you would like to also attend the 1-Day Intensive retreat on the following day, you are welcome to stay over in our dormitory. Most people find that attending these one-day retreats regularly can help renew the strength of their daily practice.
The fee includes a vegetarian lunch.

Chang Xing Fashi

In 2009, Chang Xing Fashi was ordained as a Buddhist monk. He studied in Dharma Drum Sangha University in Taiwan, where he majored in Chinese Chan Buddhism, graduating in 2015. In 2017, he moved to Dharma Drum Retreat Center to share meditation in North America.

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